Julia Quinn: Author of Bridgerton and friend to the University Book Store - Julia Quinn

Julia Quinn: Author of Bridgerton and friend to the University Book Store

Read on The Daily (University of Washington)

Jul 1, 2024

Julia Quinn talks about her partnership with the University Book Store, how it started, and how she personalizes her signed books.

“I spoke to Quinn about the partnership as she signed and personalized books in the basement of the University Book Store. A large chunk of the space, affectionately dubbed the “Quinn Cave” by the store’s staff, has been carved out for Quinn’s books and “Bridgerton” merchandise as well as a table for her to sign them.”

Even before Bridgerton on Netflix, she partnered with the store to provide copies of her books signed and personalized at no additional cost. They are available in store or for shipping around the world.

The books and the shows come together here.