Inside Everything And The Moon - Julia Quinn

Inside Everything And The Moon

Book 1 in the
Lyndon Sisters
  • Did you all catch the mention of Alex, Duke of Ashbourne (Splendid‘s hero) on p. 357? Even though Everything And The Moon was written after Splendid, it takes place at the same time, so when Mrs. Brightbill says that the duke is “dangling after some American,” she is referring to Emma Dunster, Splendid‘s heroine.
  • Robert has made appearances in a few of my later books. You can find him running from debutantes in The Duke and I (which is set earlier than Everything And The Moon), and then again in Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (which is set in 1824, so he’s well and married by then.)
  • Robert, who is a bit of a science geek, recites the Linnaean system of classification when he is trying not to think of Victoria taking a bath. My first instinct was to have him recite the periodic table. But the earliest version of the periodic table was not presented to the scientific community until 1869 (by Dmitri Mendeelev, a Russian chemist). I am a bit of a science geek myself, and if you haven’t heard Tom Lehrer singing “The Elements Song,” I highly recommend it.
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